Jun 4, 2010

Chambert 2007 - Master of Wine

EN: Wine is about emotion and should always be part of important moments. The institute of Masters of Wine is regarded in the wine industry as one of the highest standards of professional knowledge. Created in 1955 it counts about 280 members in the world. Being a MW (Master of Wine) is a real achievement that requires dedication and hard work. For its 2010 examination, the Institute of Masters of Wine has included the Château Chambert 2007 it its blind tasting. This is a great honor to Chambert, and a great honor to Cahors. Having Chambert wine in the tasting shows this is a wine the world can no longer ignore; MW for a start! To all MW, feel free to visit Chambert and share the emotion of the 2010 MW contenders! Some famous MW (Master of Wine):

FR: Le vin c'est avant tout de l'émotion et devrait toujours faire partie de moments forts. L'institut des Masters of Wine en Angleterre est considérée par l'industrie du vin comme l'une des plus hautes distinctions de la connaissance du vin. Crée en 1955 elle compte environ 280 membres dans le monde. Être un MW (Master of Wine) est un réel accomplissement professionnel tant l'examen est pointu et difficile. Pour l'examen 2010, l'institut des Masters of Wine a choisie Château Chambert 2007 dans ses dégustations à l'aveugle. C'est un grand honneur pour Chambert et les vins de Cahors. Voir Chambert participer à cette dégustation montre que les vins de Cahors sont à connaitre par le monde et méritent tout l'attention des professionnels (pour commencer)! A tous les Master of Wine, venez visiter Chambert et venez partager l'émotion des candidats MW 2010 !

2 notes:

Isabel said...

Well, I am not (yet) a MW, but I would love to visit your estate and taste your wines anyway on Saturday, 3.7. if possible (following the MW Symposium in Bordeaux, if that counts...). Looking forward to your feedback, Isabel (info@winecharms.de, www.winecharms.de)

Isabel said...

Hi Philippe, I' am not (yet ;-) a MW, but would love to visit your estate and taste your wines anyway, if possible on 3.7. (following the MW Symposium in Bordeaux, if that counts). Looking forward to your feedback, Isabel